Summer Program


Summer Program

Girls kayaking on the lake.

Each summer, The Painted Turtle welcomes children ages 7 to 16 for our week-long sessions.

In each session, between morning horseback rides and evening campfires, children become artists, swimmers, athletes, canoe paddlers, stargazers, actors on stage, adventurers, and, most importantly, friends. Our campers form a unique community, living in cabins alongside other kids coping with similar medical conditions. With the support of both counselors and cabin mates, kids discover they are capable of doing things they never dreamed possible.

Our campers experience a magical transformation, as they sing and dance, paint, play, and develop important friendships. Life outside of camp may mean a series of medical procedures and hospital stays, but camp is an opportunity for kids to just be kids. With the support of peers, counselors, and on-site medical staff, campers are free to be themselves.

Each session focuses on serving children with one of the medical conditions found most in need of camp opportunities. 

The place I gained the freedom to be me.
