Fireside Friends Monthly & Recurring Giving
Be the Flame that Lights Camp All Year Long!
Joining the Fireside Friends Monthly & Recurring Giving Program is one of the best ways to support The Painted Turtle. Recurring gifts offer a more sustainable and predictable source of funding that allows us to plan ahead to bring even more children to Camp.
Benefits of Being a Fireside Friend:
- Choose the monthly or recurring amount you would like to give. Your credit card or bank account will be charged once a month.
- Receive a Fireside Friends Welcome Packet and an annual giving statement summarizing your gifts to The Painted Turtle.
- Enjoy special Fireside Friends milestone markers for reaching consecutive years of membership.
- Stay informed with special Camp updates with our TurtleScoop e-newsletter.
- Be recognized in our Annual Report’s Honor Roll of Contributors as a Fireside Friend.
- Have exclusive access to tours of Camp – while Camp is in session!
There’s No Such Thing as a Gift Too Small!
In a year’s time, your monthly gifts
can provide big benefits to campers and their families.
- $10 per month keeps the Woodshop stocked with tools and supplies.
- $25 per month outfits archery with arrows and targets.
- $50 per month provides bait for “kiss & release” fishing.
- $100 per month helps restock the Well Shell pharmacy.
- $208 per month brings a camper for a week – a campership!
Any amount lights the flame that keeps Camp going all year long!
To cancel or change your monthly or recurring gift, please contact Perla Ortega at