Advisory Board
Advisory Board
The Painted Turtle is grateful for the many individuals who give of their time and talents to serve on our Advisory Boards to help guide decisions, raise funds and spread awareness about Camp.
Medical Advisory Board
The Medical Advisory Board guides the direction and development of our medical program, ensuring that the medical care provided at The Painted Turtle is of the highest quality. The Advisory Board is comprised of many of the Pediatrics Department Chairs in our Founding Hospitals or their selected representatives. Their commitment to the advancement of care for pediatric patients with serious medical conditions is demonstrated by their many contributions to our organization.
Medical Advisory Board Members
Andy Blanscet, PT
Ensign Therapy
Robert Byrd, MD, MPH
University of California Davis Medical Center
Greg Dunkel, RN, BSN
UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center
Lorry Frankel, MD, FAAP, FCCM
Sutter California Pacific Medical Center
Alan Gianotti, MS, MD, ABEM
Emergency Medicine, Mills Peninsula Hospital. Primary Care,
Crescendo MD
Deborah Holder, MD
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Mimi Kim, MD, FAAP
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Jennifer Lee, RN, CCTC
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
Michelle Melendez, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, CNS
Health Center Director, The Painted Turtle
Doris Quon, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Orthopedic Hemophilia Treatment Center, Los
Laurie Reyen, MSN, CNS, RN
UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center
Susan Shannon, MSN, CPNP
Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital – Long Beach
Autumn Stoflet, RN
Nurse Manager, The Painted Turtle
Jorge Vargas, MD, FAAP
UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital
Deb Winn-Hom, MSN, RN
Kaiser Oakland